
充分頑張ってます!/ Another message for everyone







Cristiani氏らは最新の論文で、小児の新型コロナウィルス感染症が比較的軽症である理由について考察しています(European Respiratory Journal, Apr 2020)。詳細は省きますが、小児では①NK細胞(真っ先に異常な細胞を見つけて攻撃する細胞)などのリンパ球数が成人と比較すると多いこと、②ACE2タンパクが多いこと、③”trained immunity”と呼ばれる”自然免疫”の記憶システムが活発にはたらいていること、などが関与している可能性を述べています。順番に考えてみます。

①  小児期はNK細胞を含むリンパ球の数が元来多いこと、新型コロナウィルス感染で重症化した成人ではリンパ球数が著明に減少していると報告されていることなどから(Zhouら, The Lancet, Mar 2020)、”自然免疫”(先天的に備わっている、体内に侵入した病原体をまず最初に攻撃するしくみ)を司る実働部隊が小児の方が多く、有利にはたらいている可能性があります。
②  ACE2タンパクは肺、心臓、腎、腸などに多く存在し、新型コロナウィルスが細胞内に侵入するときにまず結合する細胞の膜にある受容体です。今回亡くなられる方の多くが肺炎を伴っていますが、肺炎等からARDSと呼ばれる重症の肺損傷を引き起こすことがあります。ACE2が多いとARDSに保護的にはたらくことが知られており、小児でACE2が多く発現していることが有利にはたらいている可能性があるという推測です。(ウィルスというのは、不思議なことに元々生物が持っている、普段は異なるはたらきをしているタンパクに結合して感染が成立します。)Kubaらの報告によると、(ウィルスの重要な部位がほぼ同じ構造である)SARSコロナウィルスをマウスに感染させると、肺におけるACE2発現が減少すると述べており(Nature Medicine, Aug 2005)、新型コロナウィルスでも同様の現象が生じる可能性がありそうです。
③  免疫でお馴染みの、皆様がワクチンを打たれたり水痘などに罹ったりして体内で作られる”抗体”というのは、特異的に病原体を攻撃する後天的に獲得するしくみで”獲得免疫”と呼ばれ、免疫記憶として長期的に持続します。一方、先天的に備わっている”自然免疫”には免疫を記憶するしくみは存在しないと考えられていましたが、非特異的で短期的であると推測されているものの、ワクチン接種や病原体の感染後、同じ病原体や構造が類似するような病原体に感染した際も幅広く攻撃することが分かってきています(Neteaら, Nature Reviews Immunology, 2020)。これを”trained immunity”と呼んでいます。まさに免疫のトレーニングです。日頃からウィルス感染を繰り返し、自然免疫が高まっている小児は、この機能が優っている可能性があるという考えです。感染症に対する症状が、年齢の高い子と比較すると乳児の方が一般的に少し症状が強い理由として、この影響が考えられています。




I guess everyone is exhausted because of the avoiding of outings, but I shudder to imagine this situation occurring at the time before the spread of the internet when it was difficult to obtain enough information without going out.
We need to keep an eye on the increase of the COVID-19 cases in Japan, but the most important thing for us is to keep on preventing the virus like always.
Let me attach a link to Toyo Keizai online site which shows the data on COVID-19 in Japan graphically.


As of April 19th, 10219 people were tested positive, of which 5314 cases were below the age of 50 excluding 353 cases whose ages are undisclosed. 161 deaths were reported so far, of which 4 cases were below 50 y/o, but no deaths are reported among the people aged below 30.
The level of anxiety about the virus among the elderly people and patients who have underlying diseases is unimaginable, when younger people at lower risk are also anxious about it.  We might need to take the decision of state of emergency declaration as a message to keep on preventing from transmitting the virus among younger people, in order to get back to normal as soon as possible for those who are suffering the most.  Let’s continue to practice our everyday preventive actions and believe that the situation improves in the near future.

An interesting paper has been submitted from Italy.  Let me explain a part of the characteristics of the COVID-19 below.

Cristiani et al. recently made some speculations about why children have milder symptoms than adults in COVID-19(European Respiratory Journal, Apr 2020).
i)         Lymphocytes including NK cells (which attack abnormal cells initially) are in greater amount in children.
ii)        The level of ACE2 is higher in children.
iii)        Innate immune memory called “trained immunity” might be important.

Let’s look into the details.

i)            The facts that healthy children have higher level of lymphocytes including NK cells compared to adults, and that the adults with severe disease after the infection of novel coronavirus have decreased lymphocytes (Zhou et al., The Lancet, Mar 2020), might tell us the importance of the level of lymphocytes which are used in “innate immune system” by attacking viruses initially.

ii)           ACE2 protein is expressed in lungs, heart, kidneys and intestine and is a receptor of the novel coronavirus which exists at the cell membrane.  Most patients who have severe disease with the virus have pneumonia which could develop ARDS, a serious condition of lung damage.  The higher level of ACE2 might be advantageous in children because of its known protective effect in lung damage.  Kuba et al. reported that SARS-coronavirus (whose structure is very similar to the novel coronavirus) infection in mice reduced ACE2 expression in the lungs (Nature Medicine, Aug 2005), which probably causes similar results in the novel coronavirus infection.  

iii)          “Adaptive immunity” is an acquired immune system which eliminates particular pathogens highly specifically and provides long-lasting immunity, for example by producing antibodies after vaccination or having a certain viral infection such as chickenpox, etc.  On the other hand, “innate immune system” was thought to have no immune memory until relatively recently, but it is assumed to have nonspecific short-term memory after vaccination or infections (Netea et al., Nature Reviews Immunology, 2020).  It is called “trained immunity” due to the “training” of innate immunity after infections.  Because children frequently experience viral infections, this innate immune system is assumed to be activated more than adults.  This age-dependent maturation of the immune system might be causing newborns to be more susceptible to infections.

These still remain a speculation and there might be many other reasons why children have milder symptoms.  Since many genes are related to the symptoms caused by the viral infection, further studies might be conducted to see whether genetic differences affect morbidity and mortality rates in this infection.

Frequently catching colds in preschools might be meaningful in protecting the body in the long term.  Vaccines and effective drugs are necessary to end this fight against novel coronavirus, but accumulating knowledge will be a shortcut to the treatment.  Science and medicine have no borders.  I hope the situation improves earlier than expected by cooperating each other.


頑張りましょう!/Message for everyone living in Japan



アメリカのCDC(疾病対策センター)から4月6日に経過報告がありました。(一番下にリンクを貼らせていただきました。)4月2日までのアメリカ国内のデータをまとめたものです。簡単に述べますと、アメリカの18歳未満の人口(ここでは小児、とします)が22%で、新型コロナウィルスと診断された15万人弱のうち、2,572人 (1.7%)が18歳未満でした。まだ未完成のデータですが、回収できた報告によると、18~64歳(ここでは成人、とします)の93%に対して小児では73%で発熱、咳嗽、呼吸苦を認めました。また、成人の10%に対して小児全体の5.7%が入院となりました。これまで18歳未満のうち3名の死亡が確認されているようですが、基礎疾患等についてはまだ不明であるとのことです。



I, as a Japanese, want to deeply thank all the people living in Japan for cooperating to prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading rapidly. 
There might be a wide spectrum of opinion about the relatively small number of PCR tests performed in Japan, but since the most important goal for any infections is to save lives, considering the relatively low death rate so far in Japan compared to other countries, the strategy against the virus doesn't seem to be wrong.  We need to take into consideration our different cultures and also different genetic backgrounds when we fight against diseases.  There is no single answer to control a novel infection.

I guess the next few weeks will still be difficult for your children, but let's try our best, and we will definitely reach our goal!

Let me attach a link to the CDC weekly report.  Some clinical features of the infection in children are reported.






